- Users can upload adult videos (avi, mpg, mpeg, flv, h264, wmv, asf, qt, rm) with progress bar (anonymous uploads also supported)
- Users can set title, description, tags (comma separated) and category (multiple categories possible) when uploading
- Users can edit video details (title, description, tags, categories, thumb, allow embed, allow rating and allow commenting)
- Users can watch adult videos (3 different streaming methods supported)
- Users can view related videos (related navigation via ajax)
- Users can comment on videos (comments navigation via ajax)
- Users can rate videos (star rating (half star support) via ajax)
- Users can share videos (via external plugin)
- Users can favorites videos
- Users can embed videos (can be enabled/disabled)
- Users can flag videos
- Users can assign models to videos on upload
- Users can add/remove models from/to videos on edit
- Video browse page with recent, popular, rated, discussed, watched and longest videos (complete SEO URLs). Video Categories list is displayed on the left side (complete SEO URLs)
- Index page contains Being Watched (can be reloaded via ajax), Most Recent Videos and Video Categories
- Video search (by tags) page with the video categories list
- RSS Feeds (valid) for every browse page